
Paytweak is the leading fintech in secure remote payment via payment link (PayByLink)

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31 av. Champs Elysées
75008, PARIS
0805 69 31 32 Appel gratuit

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The best PayByLink solution ever is made for the best developers

Integrate the most powerful PayByLink solution on the market into your business applications and trigger smart payments in your colors.

Dedicated server for devs is your dedicated server to make online miracles

We will provide you with a sandbox account on a dedicated server to perform your integration

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Guaranteed SLA

Integration time saved

We have already deployed about 139 dedicated servers worldwide that are PCI-DSS, RGPD and Hipaa (HDS) compliant.

Paytweakapp SDK

Take advantage of the paytweak SoftPOS solution into your own apps

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Integrates with our API and monetize your integration in our Market place

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Do like the best editors who have integrated our solution

Use our in-house modules or our Rest API to integrate the QRcode or secure payment link that will trigger payments via Email, SMS, QRcode, whatsapp ... regardless of the PSP, bank, language or country...


The LAST integration you will have to make

Create a simple payment link

We provide a PHP wrapper to make it easier to use all our methods but you can program your own way

2   $tab = array('order_id' => "idTest",'amount' => "100");
3   $wrapper -> api_post_method("links",$tab);
5   $response = $wrapper -> get_message();


amount is the only mandatory field. Check other parameters that can be sent through the request and that might be returned to the bank

Name Description
order_id Unique reference (if not provided, will be generated)
same reference may be used for reusable payment link.
amount amount or deposit to be paid
lng Paypage language (iso)
cur Currency (iso)
freetext text as reminder for you and your team
brand favorite scheme brand

The brand of the payment card that will be offered to customer in priority

user_ID email address of the user registered on your admin account
firstname Client First name max 40 characters
lastname Client Last name max 50 characters
gender Gender [ M or Me ]
email * E-mail of your customer
Provide even if it is not a payment by for non Email payment
scenario scenario to be played during the payment.
life Payment link lifetime
[ integer ] + [ string ]

example :
10s : 10 secondes
15m : 15 minutes
1d : one day
Nx Payment by installments

first_amount : 1st payment
part_amount : recuring
nb : nb installments
frequency :
(D = daily, W = weekly, M = monthly)
operation Type of payment

SAL : Sale (default)
RES : Pre-authorization*
TOK : Tokenization*


Get real-time notifications for each event

Message sent
Message delivered
Message read
Payment link clicked
Input on paypage
Approval or Decline

... and much more


Fully customize the solution

Email & SMS custom template management
Email & SMS custom SenderName
Customized payment URL
Custom (pre/post) payment scenario
RGPD settings
Users & points of sale management

Customize the solution

How Paytweakapp, our SoftPOS mobile app, perfectly integrates with OpenBravo, the leading POS software

There is no need to develop or maintain a SoftPOS by yourself to enable proximity payments via this technology in your own applications.

Install just ONE module
Switch 500 PSP !

There is only one install to connect 500 banks, PSP & wallets around the world. Take advantage of all our advanced features directly from your CMS backoffice

Meet the Team

Our guys will help you go much further

Best experts of the solution will help you integrate paytweak with your business tools

Contact the team




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